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About this site


I know a lot of you might be wondering why I named this site TOVUTI. In TOVUTI literally means "site" or "website" in Swahili and no I'm not from a Swahili-speaking country thanks to the help of google translate I found something that sounded and looked suitable for the design of my website. The original name of my website was meant to be TOP TEN but I had to switch it when I found that there was another site that had the same domain so I obviously couldn't make the domain name of the site TOP TEN that is why you see that most of the posts on my site say "Top 10.....", However when I changed my site name to TOVUTI I realised that I could add more variety in terms of posts on the site instead of just TOP TEN. 


I made this website for fun. I've always wanted to make a website but never had the time to do it so I thought to myself that if I started doing the website bit by bit then I'll be done in a few months because there was no way I could do it while at school but now I gladly present to you TOVUTI!



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